Monday, September 14, 2009

Fun stuff

A good day today, babysitting and finishing off a few things. Tonight my Little Miss modelled her cap for me, happy with her pick! And no more wet ends from the ponytail, yay.

Last night I finally made her a 'sleepover' bag, with one of the free tea towels we got form our trip to Oz Zoo.

The back is a great print I got a while ago, which she loves. It's a simple drawstring one, easy peasey. Oh, and I'm naming my model "Fem-Bot", it seemed obvious last night. Not as classy as Frances, so didn't need a classy name!

Today the postie dropped round with a treat: Cook by the AWW, this one, and

a super cute pattern. I just wanted to make it the minute I saw it!

1 comment:

Reenie said...

Wow, you can really see the resemblance between you and Little Miss in this photo...