Friday, April 2, 2010

My Creative Space

The sewing is starting to pile up....
UFP's from the last house, plus a top and dress I want to make for me- not to mention the name tag swap- it's my head, it needs to get on fabric.
The thing now holding me back is......

that blasted lock on the sewing cabinet! I remember the removalist handing me the key, as he was about to lift it up onto the truck, and

blank. No idea where it is.

Off I go to start looking......

Head over here to see more creative spaces

Edit 4/4/2010: Found it! In the box with my jewellry and stuff off my dressing table. Makes, sense, doesn't it? Nah, I didn't think so either :)


Unknown said...

Oh dear... I hope you find your key!

Angie said...

That cracked me up...I'm forever losing the key to my sewing cabinet...until I discovered the solution....never closing or locking it (mostly due to the huge pile of WIP's stacked on it)